Sweeper brush is one of the main components of all industrial sweeper devices, which has the main task of collecting surface contaminants. The sweeper, also known as city sweeper or street sweeper, is a mechanized industrial cleaning machine that is used to collect dust and garbage scattered in the streets, large areas, industrial environments, etc. has it. For industrial sweepers, two types of brushes are designed, one cylindrical brush in the center of the machine and two disc-shaped brushes on the sides. The cylindrical brush is V-shaped and rotates counterclockwise. Moving counterclockwise causes contaminants to enter the tank of the device from above and therefore the capacity of the device tank will be used to the maximum.
Sweeper brush features
The brushes of each vacuum cleaner are designed and installed in accordance with the characteristics of the same device, and therefore are produced in various sizes and materials. The fibers of the sweeper brush are in direct contact with the ground and therefore will wear out over time if left untreated. Brushes fall into the category of urban sweeper consumables and are therefore easily replaceable and even manageable. The brushes on the sides of the machine collect contaminants from areas inaccessible to the central brush, direct it toward the central brush, and eventually sink into the sweeper tank. The movement of the disc brushes is circular and rotates against each other inside the machine.
Adjust the pressure and angle of the brush
Improper brush pressure can lead to premature erosion and wear of this part, so users should check the brushes before starting to work with the device and the amount of pressure that the brush puts on the ground and the angle with which it Makes sure.